We currently accept e-transfers, pre-authorized offering, or mailed cheques**.
E-transfer to eft@redemptionolds.com
In the “comments” section please include:
a. Full Name (first & last)
b. Address
c. Email Address
d. Allocation (ie. General Giving)
Mailed Cheque
Address: Redemption Church Olds, P.O. Box 4265 Olds, AB T4H 1P8
Cash/Cheque Sunday morning
**Redemption Church Olds spending of funds is confined to approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed towards an approved program/project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program/project has been met, or cannot be met for any reason as determined by the Redemption Church Olds elder board, the remaining restricted funds will be used where most needed.