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We are not just a church WITH small groups we are a church OF small groups, with multiple groups that meet on different nights in different locations. Click HERE to get connected to a small group.


We provide Children's Ministry for kids ages 4-12 during the service where they are taught God's Word at their level. Once a month (typically the 3rd Sunday) is Family Worship Sunday and we keep the kids in the service. You are always welcome to send your kids to Redemption Kids or keep them with you.


We value the youth of the church and recognize that it is a time of both unique challenges and opportunities. Our goal is not to entertain but to see them grow into fully devoted disciples of Christ.

If you would like more information email Jon Anderson at


This ministry exists to develop a community of women that spur one another on in love and good deeds. Among other events our Women meet every other Tuesday morning during the winter months to study God's Word or a helpful book together. Click HERE to see our upcoming event dates.


The Christian life is not a stroll in the park, it's a war that calls men to take up the armour of God and stand shoulder to shoulder to shoulder in all-out battle. Our men meet for breakfast once a month to grow together in the knowledge of God's will and faithful obedience to His calling to true Christ-centered manliness. Click HERE to see our upcoming event dates.


Jesus says in John 4:23-24 that the Father is seeking those to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Redemption Church is contemporary in music without compromising the truth, which strives to encourage genuine worship in the life of a believer that goes beyond Sunday morning.